Frequently asked questions
Here you will the answers to our most frequently asked questions. We have broken these down by topic to help with searching.
User Registration
You need to create an account by clicking this link – create an account – and then we need some basic information about who you are.
Identity Verification
It’s really simple, click on the ID verification tab in your account, and then follow the instructions. You will need to upload a Government-issued ID to your computer or mobile device. The identity provider we work with will check credit reference agency data to match your name and date of birth to the address you have entered.
We will store these securely on our servers while you still have an active account, these will only be passed on to companies who actively state that they need a copy of the identity (usually banks and building societies) and then only if actively requested.
Registering a Death
This is something we pass on to all the companies so that they don’t disturb you so that you can concentrate on grieving
Yes. We need either a copy of the death certificate, interim death certificate, or medical certificate of cause of death as a proof of death.
You can create your account, and add all the details needed to notify companies so all the information is ready to go. As soon as you have any of the certificates mentioned above, you can upload it and press send on all the notifications.
Sometimes when one partner dies, they might have utility accounts or insurance cover in their sole name. In order for the surviving partner to receive uninterrupted service or cover we can request that the companies look to transfer or switch accounts or cover into the partner’s name.
Most companies don't need a copy of the Will, however, some financial ser